This is a Students’ blog. It is a platform for us, the Students of School of Health Systems Studies (SHSS) to express our ideas; but please note the word “IDEA”. An idea, a product of human mind...there is no guarantee of it being right but that doesn’t mean that we cannot express it! The blog is not a peer-reviewed journal or a sponsored publication. That does mean something…it means that information here is the product of our brain which is under evolution at SHSS and it is UNPROOFED and UNREVISED.

The opinions expressed by the SHSS Student Bloggers and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the School of Health Systems Studies or any employee thereof. School of Health Systems Studies and Tata Institute of Social Sciences is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by the Student Bloggers.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fwd: URJA-09 (TISS Annual QUIZ)

The Annual General quiz contest.

The quiz is open to all students of TISS.
Each team consists of 2 members (equal representation from both sexes will be appreciated)
A written preliminary round will be followed by the finals (6 teams)
Venue:Conference Hall
Time:5.30 PM
Date: 22/7/2007

It is promised that the quiz will be of very high 'intellectual quality' and you will be left grappling with low self-esteem at the end of it. Researchers at NASA and double doctorates from MIT have failed to clear the preliminary round in a dry run conducted yesterday. However, you may try your luck as exciting prizes are waiting to be won, with loads of mindless fun all the way. The blokes who masterminded the quiz contest are rumored to be lurking around in the lush green environs of TISS.

For spicy details & inside scoops,
